Membership: Membership is open to members who are committed in the things of God and are ready to serve other people and make them feel welcomed.
- They shall commit themselves to prayer and the study of God´s Word
- They shall, during services, use those tags or badges or dresses that identify them as ushers
- They shall respect their clients
- They shall smile to their clients and not fight them
- They shall continually study and research in the areas of human relations
- They shall meet with their new clients after service and share fellowship with them
- They shall attend training courses that would be organized for them
- They shall not store the contact details of their clients for personal purposes
- They shall help refresh the members after services
- They should hand over the membership forms to the leadership after service
- They shall escort members and guest to their seats
- They shall help minimize distractions during services
- They shall distribute materials related to the service to members
- They shall not themselves distract the attention of others
- They shall dress decently