The historical Jesus Christ has been the accredited Savior of mankind before the foundation of the worlds. He is the only person through whom man shall be saved. No work is to be done by any person to receive salvation. It is all about looking unto Jesus through faith.
The Complaints of the Israelites
The Israelites, while in slavery in Egypt, cried out for deliverance. The Lord heard their cry and sent Moses to go and deliver them. They were delivered from the hand of Pharaoh by the mighty acts of God. On their way from Egypt to the promised land,
The people of Israel became impatient in their journey in the wilderness to the promised land. God provided them with food and drink but they sought an opportunity to complain. They said that it would have been better for them to remain in servitude in Egypt because they remembered the fish they ate in Egypt, the cucumber, the melons and the leeks, as well as the garlic and onions that they fed on. They complained about God´s provision for them in the wilderness. They mentioned that there was nothing for them to eat in the wilderness except the manna (Num 11:5-6). They also spoke against God and His servant, Moses (Num 21:5). In their hopelessness and desperation, they asked why Moses had brought them out of Egypt to die in the wilderness (Num 11:1).
Bitten by Venomous Snakes
The complaints of the ´delivered` Israelites angered God, and He sent venomous snakes as a judgment to kill them because of their ungratefulness. Many people died from the bites of the fiery serpents ((Num 21:6-7). Then Moses prayed that the LORD would remove the serpents from their midst. God instructed Moses to make a bronze snake and set it on a rod/pole so that as many who were bitten by the serpents could look upon it and be healed. Moses made the serpent of brass and put it on the pole as the Lord had commanded, and all those who obeyed the Lord and looked upon the snake in faith were healed (Num 21:8-9).
Look unto Jesus
The lifted serpent on the tree typifies the hanging of Jesus Christ on the tree, whereas the Israelites represent unbelievers today. The given condition for their healing was that each of them must look for their own deliverance and salvation. For any person to be saved, s/he needed to fix their eyes solely on the brazen snake, that is Jesus Christ. Jesus says “ But even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the son of Man be lifted up” (John 3:14). There is no other way to be saved except through Christ Jesus the Lord (Act 4:12).
It is only by looking unto Jesus, the Son of God, that salvation is guaranteed. It has been established that God has given His beloved Son Jesus Christ to the world so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall live on eternally (John 3:16). The emphasis Jesus is making is that salvation comes through believing. “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast” (1Co 1:18). Salvation only comes by faith and by believing in Jesus Christ and looking up to Him. That is the truth but the sad thing is that the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God (1 Cor 1:18).
In the wilderness, victims of poisonous snakes were advised to look up unto the replica of the snakes on a pole. Those who humbled themselves and looked up in obedience were saved but the proud ignored the message and they died for their sins and unbelief. Today, faith in Jesus Christ, the exalted, the one who died, and rose again, and ascended to heaven is the only way to receive forgiveness of sin and salvation.
Prayers: May the Almighty God increase your faith for you to believe and continue believing in His Son, Jesus Christ until Christ is formed in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen