Women in the New Testament


In this edition of our newsletter, roles played by women in the New Testament and their relationships with their male counterparts are discussed. Scriptures that seem to be controversial are discussed as scriptures are allowed to interpret themselves.

Do not Suffer Women to Teach

Paul instructed Timothy that he should let the woman learn in silence with all subjection and that he should not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but must be made to be in silence (1Tim 2:11-12). This instruction from Paul to Timothy means that women were not silent in the beginning and that prior to this instruction, it could be assumed that women were teaching or preaching. What prompted Paul’s injunction could be attributed to a number of the following possibilities;

  • Women had been ministering without taking others into consideration, lacking self-control.
  • Because women were not educated, it was probable that they were disrupting services by asking some inappropriate questions.

Some of the women in the church may have been bringing in some elements of pagan worship, disrupting services with their loud voices, for it is said that the only way women were allowed to take part in pagan religions was to wail or make high-pitched cries known as “ululation. It is said that in pagan religions, the men ministered and offered sacrifices but the women gave the necessary sound effects” ( Cunningham and David 2000, 197).

Based on the above views on the church of Corinth, Paul´s command to put the women in silence cannot, therefore, be universal and all time. He only intended to restore orderliness in the church of God. It should also be said that learning in silence in all subjection, is not applicable to only women. All new converts must learn from the leadership of the church or from mature believers with subjection until they become mature to instruct others in Christ (2Pet 2:2, 2Tim 2:2). When one desires the sincere milk of the word of God, he or she then is required to teach others also. People are not expected to remain students or learners forever (Heb 5:12, Heb 6:1).

Distinguished Women in the New Testament

Again, one ought to understand that Priscilla was a mature believer in Christ according to the book of Acts 18:24-28, because, she and her husband (Acts 18:2), Aquila was able to instruct Apollo in a more better way concerning the preaching of the Gospel of Christ. The scripture does not say that only Aquila instructed the man (Apollo), but it reads that they, which refers to both Priscilla and her husband. In Rom 16:1-6, Paul mentions that Priscilla and Aquila are his helpers in Ministry and that they laid down their necks for the life of Paul. Above all Priscilla and Aquila had a church of Christ in their residence. It is, therefore, presupposed that both of them were leading the services of that church. If a woman should not teach men the way of God, then it could be said that Priscilla erred in co-instructing Apollos in the best way to handle to the word of God.

Furthermore, there were some other women such as Phoebe and Mary, whose names were mentioned by Paul as being industrious in the work of the ministry of Christ Jesus (Rom 16:1-6). Some might say that they were honorable in the churches as deaconesses but not as teachers or preachers. If it could be accepted that they were mere deaconesses, then it means that women were not silent in the churches. Even if they were to teach or instruct only other women, the implication is that they were mature in Christ to teach others just like the men. There is also a possibility that some of these women were leading groups that consisted of some men in the church.

According to Paul, some women labored in the gospel with him and commended that the churches must render to them every support they might be in need of (Php 4:3). These women, like the apostles, had received the spirit of God and were so zealous about the great commission or the call to propagate the gospel of Christ Jesus. This scripture suggests that even in the early days of the apostle’s visit, some women at the church of Philippi had been received as co-workers of the apostles for the spread of the gospel of Christ Jesus. Who then accuse the women who have been called of God to teach or preach His word? In our time, some men or males in the church need to be silent and must be instructed not to teach. This is so because Paul expects only qualified persons to handle the word of truth (2Tim 2:2). It was for this reason that Paul instructed Timothy to study to show himself approved unto God so that he could divide the word of God rightly (2Tim 2:15). Therefore, it is not about males or females, but those who would study to distinguish themselves to be able to teach rightly.


It could be said that God had never left women behind in His divine plan. They had always been the co-workers of the men. Those women who distinguished themselves as competent and noble were used of God in His kingdom business.

Prayer: Our Lord God, may you open our understanding to the need to embrace women and work with them as you desire. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!


Cunningham Loren and David L. Hamilton 2000. Why not Women? A Fresh Look on Women in Missions, Ministry and Leadership. Seattle, YWAM Publishing.

God´s Position on Gender Equality: Part V


The thesis details the important roles played by women during the life and Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ while He was on earth. The purpose of the promise of the Spirit is also briefly discussed.

During Jesus´ Death And Resurrection

 After the death of Jesus Christ, the male disciples had locked themselves up in a room for fear that they might be apprehended and persecuted by the Jews (Joh 20:19), but the female disciples, Mary Magdalene and the other women, were out to the tomb to anoint the body of Christ in the midst of darkness (Joh 20:1). What a courage and love for the Lord! When the other disciples had gone back to their own place, Mary stood still weeping. Jesus appeared to Magdalene only when the other disciples had gone back (Joh 20:10). This tells of His love for her. It is written that “And when Jesus had risen early the first day of the Sabbath, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons” (Mar 16:9).

The other disciples, including the males, failed to believe even when Mary first preached that Jesus was risen (Mar 16:10-11). If there was anything wrong with women´s preaching of the gospel of Christ, Jesus would not have appeared to Magdalene first and sent her out with the message of the resurrection.

The Promise of the Spirit

“Then, indeed, these coming together, they asked Him, saying, Lord, do You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? And He said to them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power, the Holy Spirit coming upon you. And you shall be witnesses to Me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:6-8).

One needs to understand that the purpose of promising the Holy Spirit was for the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The disciples were instructed to wait until they have received the power or the Spirit from on high. As could be deduced from the above quote, the disciples were to be witnesses all over the world and in every place without restrictions. It is read that all the disciples including the women and the mother of Jesus were among those who were praying for the empowerment of the Spirit of God (Acts 1:14).

It is, therefore, not erroneous to believe, that the women also received the Holy Spirit at the upper room when He was poured upon all that were gathered in prayer and fasting. It is written that they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, as tongues of fire sat upon each of them, and they began to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterances (Acts 2: 1-4) Peter, in his explanation to their accusers, cited the book of Joel (Acts 2:16-18), as quoted above from Joel 2:28-30.

It should be understood that God is not a discriminator of persons (Acts 10:34). In these last days, God is seeking both men and women who would respond to His call to preach, teach, evangelize and make disciples of Him all over the world. Some men of God are inhibiting the advancement of the Gospel of Christ because of the stumbling block they place before women with the call of God into the five-fold ministries. In the mind of God, all people regardless of their race and culture, gender, political affiliations, creed, and others should be candidates to receive His Spirit for the sake of the Gospel. The work of God is being destroyed with our customs and traditions as Jesus Christ contended (Mat 15:3,6, Mar 7:8-9). This attitude does not allow the Gospel to have its free course, therefore, making the Gospel of Christ Jesus of no effect (Mar 7:13).

The Spirit baptism is for the preaching of the Gospel, prophesying or speaking the oracles of God. Let no man place a barrier between women and the preaching of the Gospel. Human beings, like Peter, call what God has sanctified unclean or common (Acts 10:15, Acts 11:9). The voice of God and His will for humanity must be prayerfully and carefully discerned as scriptures are allowed to interpret scriptures.


It needs to be stated again that God uses all people irrespective of their gender, age, culture or race. God´s Spirit is meant for doing His work, so whosoever has the Spirit of God has His calling to perform that divine mandate for which the Spirit was given.

Prayer: Dear Lord Almighty, we ask your wisdom and understanding to be able to comprehend your dealings with the children of men, in order not to put stumbling blocks in the ways of women you have called into your vineyard. In Jesus´ name. Amen!